How To Hang A Skirt?: To Prevent Wrinkles and Damage

Hanging a skirt properly is key to keeping them looking their best. The wrong hanger or hanging method can stretch fabric, create creases, and lead to dust buildup. Follow these tips to choose the right hangers, and master skirt folding and hanging techniques. Organize your closet, store skirts seasonally, and maintain your wardrobe. With some simple precautions, you can keep your skirts wrinkle-free and ready to wear.

Assess Your Current Skirt Hangers and Storage

Before making any changes, take an inventory of your current skirt collection and how you hang and store them. This will help identify any business issues to address.

Take Inventory of Skirt Styles and Fabrics

Go through all your skirts and make note of the different styles, lengths, and fabric types. Key things to consider are:

  • Skirt type: A-line, pencil, maxi, pleated, circle, denim, leather, etc. Certain hangers work better for specific styles.
  • Fabric: Delicate fabrics like silks and chiffons may need special hangers to avoid snags. Stretchy fabrics like jersey knits are prone to hanger bumps.
  • Length: Long maxi skirts have different hanging needs than knee or midi-length skirts.
  • Waistline: Skirts with fitted waistbands hang differently than elastic or drawstring waists.

Identify Issues like Stretching, Creases, Dust

As you survey your skirts, make note of any issues you notice such as:

Stretching outThis can happen at the waist or hem when heavyweight skirts are hung for too long.
Hanger bumpsLook for bumps or creases on the shoulders from tight plastic hangers.
CreasesPleats and darts can get imprinted if hung improperly.
DustLighter-colored skirts show signs of dust accumulation.

Addressing these problems starts with using the right hangers and techniques.

Choose the Right Hangers for Your Skirts

Hangers for Your Skirts

Investing in quality skirt hangers can make a big difference in keeping fabrics looking their best. Consider these options:

Opt for Wooden or Padded vs Plastic

Plastic hangers can dig into fabrics and cause unsightly hanger bumps. High-quality wooden or padded hangers are gentler on fabrics.

  • Wooden hangers: These are sturdy but have rounded edges to prevent imprints. Opt for maple wood rather than cedar which has oils that can stain.
  • Padded hangers: The foam covering prevents creases and sliding. Use for delicate fabrics.
  • Hanger covers: If you have plastic hangers, slip-on padded covers can work.

Use Clips for Delicate Fabrics

For thin or slippery fabrics like silks or satins, additional clips can secure skirts to prevent sliding and shoulder imprints.

  • Non-slip hangers: These have rubber tubing to grip the fabric.
  • Fabric fasteners: Use small binder clips or specialty skirt clips on the hanger shoulders.

Try Specialty Skirt Hangers

There are hanger designs made specifically for hanging skirts:

  • Waterfall hangers: These have multiple bars for draping skirts without imprints.
  • Double hangers: One crossbar holds the waistband while another supports the hem.
  • Horizontal hangers: Rotate skirts horizontally to prevent stretching.

Master Skirt Hanging and Folding Techniques

Skirt Hanging and Folding Techniques

Proper techniques for hanging and folding can protect the shape and drape of skirts.

Roll or Fold Maxi Skirts to Prevent Stretching

The long length of maxi skirts makes them prone to stretching from the weight if hung improperly.

Rolling works well for casual jersey knit maxis. Gently roll from the hem up a few times then hang at the waistband. This helps maintain shape.

For dressier maxi skirts, folding is better to avoid creases. Fold the skirt in half lengthwise with the wrong sides together. Then fold in thirds and hang.

Fold Skirts at the Waist or Hem

Folding skirts help maximize closet space for non-hanging items. Fold along natural creases rather than arbitrarily.

Folding at the waist helps skirts keep their shape. For fuller skirts, fold in pleats first before folding the waist.

Hem folds work for straight silhouettes. Fold in half lengthwise with wrong sides together then fold in thirds. Store flat in a drawer.

Hang Pleated Skirts Upside Down

To help pleats keep their shape, hang pleated skirts upside down on the hanger. This prevents the pleats from being flattened and distorted.

Organize Your Closet for Easy Access

Organize Your Closet

Editing and organizing your closet layout makes it simpler to properly store skirts.

Group Same-Length Skirts Together

For hanging skirts, group together items of similar length. This makes proportions more streamlined visually.

Hang longer maxi and midi skirts on one side, knee and above-knee lengths together on another section.

Use Sections or Shelving for Folded Skirts

Designate drawers or shelf cubbies for folded skirts and pants. Neatly folded and stacked items will be easier to see, access, and maintain.

Store Skirts Properly for Seasonal Swaps

Store Skirts Properly

Storing skirts for the long term like between seasons requires some additional care.

Clean and Inspect Skirts Before Storage

Before packing skirts away for several months:

  • Dry clean or launder washable skirts. Dirt, oil, and grime can lead to stains over time.
  • Check for needed repairs and mend any small holes, loose buttons, or missing hooks promptly. This prevents issues from worsening in storage.

Use Acid-Free Tissue in Airtight Containers

Line storage containers with unbleached, acid-free tissue paper. The tissue helps absorb moisture and prevents fabric friction.

Plastic bins with tight sealing lids are ideal for protecting from dust, bugs, and humidity. Avoid cardboard which can attract pests.

Store in Cool, Dry Place

Prevent dulling of colors and mildew growth by storing in a dry, temperate location. Avoid attics, basements, or garages which get too hot and cold.

Maintain Your Skirts

With regular care and maintenance, your skirts will stay looking fabulous for many years.

Steam, Hand Wash, or Dry Clean as Needed

Depending on the fabric, freshen skirts between wears with steaming, hand washing, or professional dry cleaning. This removes odors and prevents embedded dirt or stains.

Follow any specific care instructions on the garment label.

Make Minor Repairs Quickly

Don’t let ripped seams, missing buttons, or broken zippers ruin a great skirt. Make repairs right away before they worsen or cause frustration when trying to wear the item.

Keep a mini sewing kit and notions on hand for skirt fixes. YouTube tutorials can guide you through simple mending.

Rotate Seasonal Skirts

When transitioning wardrobes between seasons, it’s a good opportunity to refold and rehang items before putting them into storage.

Rotate what was worn often to the back of the closet and move lesser worn pieces up front for the coming months. This helps ensure equal wear and care.

Final Thoughts

Caring for your skirt collection properly doesn’t require much time or money. Investing in quality hangers, using smart folding methods, keeping skirts clean, and making minor repairs help extend the life of all your favorite skirts. Avoid damage from improper hanging or storage with these simple tips for wrinkle-free bliss all year long.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prevent hanger bumps?

Plastic hangers can dent and deform lightweight fabrics. Upgrade to wood, padded, or felt hangers that have smooth, gentle surfaces. Using clips to secure skirts also helps prevent sliding and friction over the hanger.

Should you hang or fold skirts?

In general, hanging on a skirt hanger is better to maintain shape and prevent creases. But folding works for straight pencil skirts and storage. Fold along natural waist or hem folds, never arbitrarily.

What is the best way to store maxi skirts?

The long length of maxi skirts makes proper storage key. Fold or roll maxi skirts to shorten the length before hanging. Or fold maxi skirts lengthwise and in thirds. Look for wide skirt hangers to fully support the bottom hem. Storing flat in a garment bag also prevents imprints.

How do you hang skirts to prevent wrinkles?

Use skirt hangers with a smooth finish and rounded edges, like wood or padded. Avoid wire hangers and cheap plastic. Hang pleated skirts upside down to retain the shape of pleats. Use clips on the hanger straps to prevent sliding. Or try specialty waterfall or double bar hangers that drape and support skirts across multiple rods.

What are the best hangers for skirts?

Look for wooden, felt, or foam-covered hangers with a wide, rounded shoulder area to properly hold skirt waistbands without imprints. Hangers designed specifically for skirts often have waterfall bars, horizontal orientation, or dual shoulder bars to hold skirts securely while maintaining their shape and drape.

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